Russian Foreign Intelligence Service director Sergey Naryshkin promises tougher peace agreement terms for Ukraine

17.06.2024, Moscow.

In the future, Ukraine will be offered more challenging and tougher terms of a peace agreement if Kiev rejects Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to settle the conflict, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) director, Sergey Naryshkin, said in an interview with TASS on 17 June.

Answering a journalist’s question about what would happen if Ukraine refuses another proposal to come to a peace agreement, the intelligence agency head expressed confidence that the conditions put forward would only become tougher.

The next conditions under which peace can be achieved and some kind of peace agreement signed will be more challenging and tougher for Ukraine,” he said.

On the eve of a summit on Ukraine in Switzerland, Putin put forward conditions under which Russia would be willing to discuss ending the special operation. Ukraine would have to give up its NATO membership and withdraw its troops from the territories liberated by Russia. Kiev rejected this initiative.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency