Spiegel: Olaf Scholz leaves Ukraine conference in Switzerland ahead of schedule

16.06.2024, Germany.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, like US Vice President Kamala Harris, ended his participation in the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland ahead of schedule because of the need to pay attention to domestic political issues, Spiegel reported on June 16.

According to the publication, “Olaf Scholz left the conference earlier than planned, on Sunday morning his plane is heading back to Berlin. There he is waiting for hard budget negotiations and serious talks with his own party.

Earlier, the media reported that Kamala Harris had left Switzerland before the Ukraine conference was over. But the US President’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is still going to take part in further events of the forum.

Spiegel magazine reports that an extraordinary meeting of the presidium of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) will be held on Sunday evening. The meeting will discuss the situation in the ruling coalition, the future of the party and its leader Olaf Scholz in the context of not the most successful results of the elections to the European Parliament for the party.

In Switzerland, from June 15 to 16, a conference on Ukraine is being held in the city of Lucerne, in the resort town of Bürgenstock. The conference is attended by representatives of 92 countries and 55 heads of state, as well as eight organizations, including the European Union, the Council of Europe and the UN.

US Presidents Joe Biden, China’s Xi Jinping and Brazil’s Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are not attending the conference. Switzerland did not invite Russia to the summit on Ukraine.

In its turn, the Kremlin believes that it is pointless and illogical to seek ways to resolve the conflict without Russia’s participation.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency