Volodin says Rada is already discussing Putin’s proposal on Ukraine

15.06.2024, Moscow.

A number of deputies in Ukraine’s Verkhovnaya Rada have already started discussing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal on conflict resolution, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said in his Telegram account on June 15.

According to our information coming through the parliamentary line, some deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have already started to do so,” the speaker of the State Duma wrote.

Volodin called such actions correct. He said that the number of Ukrainian residents and its territory will shrink as long as deputies continue to hope for the US and the EU.

The Duma Speaker reminded that the Rada remained the only legitimate authority in Ukraine after the expiration of Vladimir Zelensky’s presidential term. It’s time for deputies to realize their responsibility for the country, in this situation it is impossible to stay aside, Volodin stressed.

He also noted that after the release of the program of the Russian President the conference on Ukraine, which will begin in Switzerland on June 15, has lost its meaning.

On June 14, Putin made a proposal for new negotiations on Ukraine. He agrees to start them in the case of the withdrawal of the AFU from the territories of the new Russian regions within the borders in which they were under Kiev’s control.

To settle the conflict, Ukraine needs to confirm its non-aligned and nuclear-free status, demilitarization and denazification. The incorporation of Crimea, the DPR and LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions into Russia should also be recognized in international treaties. In this regard, sanctions should be removed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency