About a hundred people injured during a protest rally in Yerevan

13.06.2024, Yerevan.

101 people, including police officers, sought medical help after being injured during the events on Baghramyan Avenue in Yerevan, the press service of the Armenian Health Ministry informed on June 13.

According to the cited information, 85 people left hospitals after receiving medical aid. The remaining 16 are receiving it. They have light and moderate injuries.

One person underwent surgery. His condition is assessed as satisfactory.

Civilian protests against the policy of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan have been escalating in Yerevan since the beginning of May. The reason for this was the transfer of several villages of Armenia’s Tavush region to Azerbaijan. People demand the resignation of the head of the cabinet.

On June 12, the rally in the center of Yerevan turned into clashes with the police. Law enforcers threw stun grenades to suppress the speakers at the rally. As a result of the use of such a grenade, one of the protesters had his hand torn off. About 100 people were detained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency