Russian FSB confirms involvement of Ukrainian military intelligence in terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall

12.06.2024, Moscow.

Russian security service established the involvement of Ukrainian military intelligence in the preparation of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, the chairman of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee (NAC), Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Aleksandr Bortnikov said at a committee meeting on June 11, TASS informs.

According to him, Ukrainian and Western intelligence services find possible perpetrators of high-profile crimes in Russia and recruit them.

“The involvement of Ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall near Moscow is an illustrative example,” Bortnikov said.

145 people were killed and 550 injured during the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall. 12 people have been arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. According to the latest data, more than 1,700 people became victims of the attack.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency