Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Τhe West has received and understood Putin’s signal on arms supplies

09.06.2024, Moscow.

The signal about the possible supply of weapons to other countries which Russian President Vladimir Putin sent to the West was heard and understood by the West, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, reported journalist Pavel Zarubin in his Telegram account on June 9.

I have no doubt that they heard, I have no doubt that they will understand. <.> I think they will understand, more accurately, I think they have understood and will draw conclusions,” Lavrov said.

He noted that there are still people in the West capable of analyzing the situation and not just escalating the situation to please their radical electorate before the next election.

Lavrov emphasized that if some countries arm Russia’s enemy, it will decide for itself how to respond to these actions. Putin’s proposal is a symmetrical response, the Minister noted.

In his speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Putin said that Western countries, by supplying weapons to Ukraine, are directly participating in the war against Russia.

He emphasized that Russia, in turn, could do the same, that is, supply long-range weapons to countries that are under pressure from the West. This will not necessarily happen right tomorrow, but Moscow will think about it.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency