Pro-Russian underground in Ukraine tells of Bayraktar base in Kulbakino

05.06.2024, Nikolaev.

The Ukrainian armed units started using the airfield in Kulbakino, Nikolaev Region, for basing Bayraktar UAVs, pro-Russian underground representative Sergey Lebedev said in his Telegram channel on June 5.

Lebedev specified that the Ukrainian armed forces have not used Kulbakino for deploying aircraft for several months now because it is close to the contact line.

A representative of the underground claimed that the members shared information about the deployment of Turkish-made Bayraktar UAVs at the airfield – sources reported the sounds of drones taking off.

There is also as yet unverified data on the deployment of UAVs manufactured in the US and UK.

The equipment is placed in an arched shelter placed underground. The airfield is run by English-speaking foreigners.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency