Kurginyan: The West wants to fight a “quiet” war with Russia in Ukraine

05.06.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

In Ukraine, the West wants to fight a “quiet” war with Russia using its own military units, but without using nuclear weapons, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 17 in the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio.

In Europe, particular in Germany, they are talking about creating a large land army, noted the political scientist. At the same time, he emphasized that if we were talking about turning Germany or Japan into nuclear countries, this would be understandable.

Why is it necessary to arm Germany with nuclear missiles? It’s clear. The same thing is with Japan. Why is there a nuclear arms race? It’s clear. If Russians attack, we have to respond,” said the leader of the Essence of Time movement, explaining Europe’s logic in unleashing a nuclear arms race.

That being said, Kurginyan noted, creating large land armies in the European Union (EU) is not such a trivial task. And he is asking these questions: “Why do they need this increase in ground forces? Why this talk about conscription? What type of war is being planned where conscription is necessary?

The buildup of land forces in Europe may indicate that the West intends to fight Russia indirectly, without turning the war into a nuclear conflict, explained the political scientist. And, according to him, it is precisely the kind of war that is unfolding in Ukraine.

So, in essence, they want to fight in a quiet way. They want to fight a proxy war. They want these contingents… to operate them in such a way that they can turn it on, this middle size war with Ukraine, expand it slightly, leave its conventional form without turning it into nuclear and deal with us in this conventional format. There can be no other idea,” explained the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency