Georgian Prime Minister says ready to prove assassination attempt threats from EU

05.06.2024, Tbilisi.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze is ready to prove that he was threatened by one of the European Commissioners to repeat the fate of his Slovakian counterpart Robert Fico, who barely survived an assassination attempt. The head of the Georgian government said this at a briefing on June 5.

“If there is an interest of any country, I am ready to provide the investigation with relevant information and evidence,” he said.

Kobakhidze emphasized that the Georgian authorities have been threatened with many things, including an assassination attempt similar to the one on Fico.

On May 23, Rossa Primavera News Agency informed that according to Kobakhidze, one of the European Commissioners tried to frighten him with the fate of the Slovak Prime Minister during a telephone conversation, urging him not to adopt the law on foreign agents. After that, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi admitted that he had discussed the attempted assassination of Fico in a conversation with the head of the Georgian government, but his words were taken out of context.

The law on foreign agents in Georgia was finally adopted on June 3. Its adoption was held amidst pressure from the US and the EU. Washington and Brussels threatened to reconsider relations with Tbilisi.

An assassination attempt on Fico took place on May 15. He was shot at from the crowd by 71-year-old writer Juraj Cintula, who had previously opposed the government’s decision to stop providing military aid to the Kiev regime. The politician was hit by four bullets, and medics saved him by performing two operations.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency