Czech citizens believe that information warfare is a pretext to limit freedom of speech

04.06.2024, Prague.

Four out of ten Czechs and Hungarians believe that information warfare is just an excuse for Western governments to limit freedom of speech. This follows from a survey by the Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) at Charles University in Prague, Českých noviny wrote on June 3.

41 percent of respondents in the Czech Republic and Hungary agreed with the statement that the information war is just a pretext for limiting freedom of speech. The same opinion was held by 35 percent of respondents in Slovakia and 24 percent in Poland.

At the same time, 39 percent of Czech residents are convinced that their country is the scene of Russia’s information war against Western countries. In the case of Hungary, this opinion is less widespread, held by about a third of the population.

In Slovakia and Poland, more people are convinced of Russia’s alleged information war against Western countries than in the Czech Republic. In Slovakia it is 42%, in Poland 55% of the population.

About a thousand respondents in each of the four Central European countries took part in the survey. People aged between 18 and 65 answered the questions. The survey took place at the end of March.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency