What prevents Germany from living in comfort? Kurginyan discusses the militarization of Germany

03.06.2024, Moscow.

The militarization of Germany and other European countries has nothing to do with any actual threats from abroad, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 17 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The host Anna Shafran noted that Germany considers returning to compulsory military service in order to build up its army several-fold.

This raises a question, why? What has changed, really? Who threatens them and why do they need this? They lived in comfort. What will happen now? Why must not they live in comfort anymore? What has happened to a wonderful country Germany that it could live in comfort one year ago, and five years ago it could only live in comfort because this comfort was cultivated. And now a great turnaround has happened, and they cannot live in comfort anymore, why? What is the problem? Thus, let us agree that there is no problem, and it can keep living in comfort as long as it likes,” Kurginyan explained.

He stressed that Germany is not under any actual threat of attack, but it is beginning to fundamentally change its existence paradigm.

What has bitten them? What is going on? They say only one thing: that Russia will fight them and this is why they need to leave their comfort,” the expert noted.

He stressed that for the Russian elite, a war against Europe is something they cannot imagine even in a nightmare.

And every time our top officials, whoever they are, including president, answer journalists’ questions (about a potential war with Europe), speaking about this, they have a feeling like ‘are you kidding?’” Kurginyan explained.

The expert believes that there is only one way to explain the situation: the European politicians know that someone has already predetermined the war.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency