Kurginyan: Russia must establish its own mega-trend

03.06.2024, Moscow.

Russia must establish its own mega-trend different than the mega-trend that the West follows, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 3 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

Let us say that we have a different mega-trend. This mega-trend,” Kurginyan suggests referring to the words by Pope John Paul II.

John Paul II, a very wise, although very anti-Soviet and anti-Russian Pope (Cardinal Wojtyła – yes, the Poles are never pro-Russian), this Pope said it was the construction of a civilization of death on the ruins of communism,” the political scientist says.

Do we want a civilization of death with its religion etc.?” Kurginyan asks.

Therefore, if the point is that our civilization is a civilization of love and living, we must say this. We have a different mega-trend,” the analyst says.

He notes that this raises the key question about Man. A consumeristic Man, who is obviously degrading, will shortly be replaced with robot.

If you are building Man as a consumer, as a machine to carry boxes, as a Man poorly controlled by his degenerate neocortex, robot will shortly replace him. Man is degrading, robot is improving, and you will totally destroy the humanity very quickly,” Kurginyan explained.

The philosopher believes that only the ascendance of Man towards wholeness, the engagement of his reserved capabilities, the transition of the internal systems of controlling Man that Kant called “pure Self” to a deeper and more intense control can create a thinking that will be thousand times more whole, deep and accelerated to make Man unreachable for any artificial intelligence or robots.

The philosopher reminded the this is exactly what the Soviet Union was doing, although residually during its last decades.

<…> Lunacharsky addressing to various cultural workers like filmmakers, painters etc. said, ‘Cultural workers, please enjoy your last 10-15 years on the top, because after we create a new Man using our educational and cultural systems the lowest of them will outmatch Goete in his intelligence and spiritual level,’” Kurginyan remembers.

He reminded the words from The March of Enthusiasts that Isaak Dunaevsky and Anatoly D’Aktil wrote in 1940:

The flame of our soul, and the banner of our country

We will carry through universes and centuries.

Thus, there still was a kind of an ambition for a mission without which the Russian people cannot live and which they objectively carry out, i.e. wholeness, love, human development, etc.” Kurginyan said.

He expressed confidence that this is something we could have came back to even in the late Soviet period.

We spent 30 years to integrate into the civilization of death, and if we have to leave it, it will be much more difficult, much more painful,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency