Kurginyan: The covid hysteria was arranged like in the Town-Site of Tra-Lee

31.05.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The scheme that the biggest investment funds used to initiate the hysteria around the coronavirus pandemic is reminiscent of the Town-Site of Tra-Lee from Jack London’s story of the same name, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 3 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The political scientist said that the global hysteria around the pandemic was organized by the biggest investment funds which trivially sought profit.

In order to explain the mechanism of this operation, Kurginyan reminded the story by American writer Jack London “Town-Site of Tra-Lee.” “There, Smoke and Shorty, the two principal characters of Jack London’s stories, bought abandoned mines, and they began to simulate gold mining works there,” the political scientist indicated.

Thus the friends launched rumors in the settlement that they came across a unique gild vein. “Everyone came to them to tell them that they must distribute their stocks to ensure that all the other gold diggers have their shares,” Kurginyan said.

The heroes of the story rejected these offers, the analyst indicated. Finally, under the pressure from the people, Smoke and Shorty agreed to sell the lots.

After that they published an announcement that “there was no Town-Site of Tra-Lee, that it was made up, because previously they had been insulted, and now they were answering to that insult,” Kurginyan concluded retelling the story.

If we borrow the idea of the Town-Site of Tra-Lee from this story, “it is certainly a huge tragic event around covid, this super Town-Site of Tra-Lee,” the political scientist said.

Kurginyan explained the scheme. First, three or four major investment funds with an overall capital of $30-40 trillion buy shares in the Big Pharma enterprises, and then they bribe journalists and politicians.

A Town-Site of Tra-Lee is organized, in which they exacerbate a) the danger of this covid, which is dangerous, of course, but not as much as they said, and b) the saving effect of some vaccines, which everyone now understands were mostly destructive,” the political scientist noted.

Kurginyan stressed that now “there are no more serious people who would keep saying that vaccines saved us.” Vast statistical and other kinds of information has appeared showing that the vaccines do not save.

He noted that there are rumors that when globalists fly to Davos there is an increased demand for non-vaccinated pilots.

Do you understand why? Because the vaccines sometimes lead to sudden death, right during the flight. And they say we do not vaccinated pilots. Funny, isn’t it?” Kurginyan wondered.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency