Lavrov finds it hard to imagine a dialog on peace in Ukraine

30.05.2024, Moscow.

It is difficult to imagine a dialog on peace in Ukraine, as the “party of war” rules this country, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RIA Novosti on May 30.

“The ‘party of war’ rules in Kiev, and it seeks, at least in words, to defeat Russia ‘on the battlefield’,” he said.

Lavrov recalled that Ukraine also legally banned negotiations with Russia in September 2022. In addition, the legal status of Vladimir Zelensky as president expired on May 20, which Russian President Vladimir Putin has already noted, the minister added.

Putin said on 24 May that Moscow considered Zelensky illegitimate as president after his five-year term expired. The Russian leader also expressed hope that there would be political forces in Ukraine that would be concerned about the fate of the people.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency