Kurginyan explains why Russia must exit from the WHO, IMF and WTO

30.05.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

In the future, the West is heading either towards ultra-globalism, a kind of а system where states are not necessary at all, or globalism, where the main state will be the US, and everyone else will be its vassals. Russia must exit this Western “megatrend,” said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 3 in the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda TV channel.

According to the political scientist, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country was all set up to join a certain Western megatrend, but now it has become clear that this megatrend is incompatible with Russia’s future. However, instead of leaving all international organizations, trade and financial systems and creating their own, the Russian elites continues to fight for a spot under the sun within Western international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), or the International Monetary Fund (IMF), or the World Trade Organization (WTO).

And these pro-Western activists or this megatrend representatives of our elites say: yes, we will compete for our position; yes, we will continue the debate. Well, of course, they will do it at the WHO, and at the IMF they will debate, and at the WTO they will do it too, and everywhere they will continue the debate. It resembles childs neurosis – let us play in this sandbox anyway, now well also take a scoop and start digging the whole. OK, they hit us over the head with a different scoop, but these were bad people, yet well keep on digging, somehow, said the philosopher.

Since Russia cannot give up a number of fundamental things: sovereignty, development, prospects, freedom of speech, etc., it cannot become a part of this Western megatrend, either in the form of ultra-globalism, which is being built under the leadership of US President Joe Biden, or globalism, which is represented by the former US President Donald Trump.

This megatrend means the elimination of sovereignties as such. And everyone who enters it will lose their sovereignty. The concept of sovereignty belongs to the modernity, the world that is being abolished. There is no place for the national state and sovereignty in the postmodern concept, which unfolds either as ultra-globalism, where states are not needed at all, or in the form of globalism, in which the main state will be the US and others are its vassals,” said Kurginyan.

These plans are terrible as they are, and Russia should not be a part of them.

We dont belong there. And most importantly, there is nothing good there for us and cannot be. After all, we dont want to give up some fundamental things: hopes for the future, open prospects, freedom of speech and freedom in general, the philosopher added.

According to its plans, WHO wants to limit national sovereignty by signing a Pandemic Agreement. If that happens, the WHO will become the most important organization for all future pandemics in the world and will receive almost unlimited powers.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency