Developer talks about new Supercam C350 drone

30.05.2024, Moscow.

The efficiency of the new Supercam C350M unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been increased due to modernization, RIA Novosti wrote on May 30, citing an official representative of the Bespilotnyye Sistemy Group.

Supercam C350 is one of the main reconnaissance drones used in the zone of Russia’s special military operation. The modernized version can be integrated as the main reconnaissance tool into a unified tactical control system.

The video stream of the modernized Supercam C350M UAV is now immediately transmitted to the fire control equipment, which has increased the effectiveness in combat.

According to the developers, Supercam C350M has become more resistant to electronic warfare means, it has increased the number of radio frequency channels and flight time, as well as improved image quality from the camera.

The basic Supercam C350 has a wingspan of 3.2 meters, flight time up to 4.5 hours, speed from 65 to 120 kilometers per hour, radio range up to 100 kilometers, the range of the video channel up to 100 kilometers, the maximum range of not less than 240 kilometers.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency