Kurginyan explains who caused the COVID-19 pandemic and why

27.05.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that masterminds who control global development process are creating two worlds – a world for themselves, and a world for the others, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 3 in the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda TV channel.

The analyst believes that the pandemic, as a global megatrend, was formed by the largest investment funds, such as BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and others with a total capital measured in trillions of dollars. And now it is already evident which funds lobbied for certain vaccines – AstraZeneca, Pfizer and so on. Kurginyan is convinced that the purpose for the engineered pandemic is not only to increase their return on investments into Big Pharma.

In essence – this megatrend is an attempt to create “the world for themselves and the world for the others,” noted Kurginyan. In addition to being profitable, it was viewed as a certain “rehearsal” that meant to show what else can be done with the population; how you can lobby politicians; what kind of junk this democracy has become; how much does the national sovereignty worth; how exactly you can suppress the population under the guise of caring about their health and so on, said the expert.

The masterminds of the pandemic “always had an increased interest in pilots who were not vaccinated. (…) Because vaccines sometimes can cause instant death, right during the flight,” noted the analyst.

The analyst stressed that, of course, the virus exists, and people were dying from it; it was rather an alarming and difficult situation that had to be dealt with. But the pandemic as a reality and as an engineered megatrend are two different things: the latter is based on hysteria in the media and a ban on an alternative point of view, Kurginyan emphasized.

The most important consequence is that trust into science as the last institution that had the combined trust among different population groups – has been lost. It became clear that this was all made up, that its a cheap lie, that they would say whatever the organizers needed, that they were ready to sell out something destructive, and so on. And within this, of course, there is a ban on discussion,” the analyst noted.

While not being an “anti-vaxxer,” Kurginyan stressed that he spoke many times during this hysteria around vaccination about the need for a free and public discussion among scientists .

I only dream that on the main television channel in prime time there should be discussions between vaccine supporters, scientists like Russian academic Alexander Ginzburg, and opponents – hesitating adversaries to all this, such academicians as Vitaly Zverev. And everyone else should step aside so that they can monitor the discussion between professionals, including Nobel Prize laureates and so on. But nothing like that happened,” explained Kurginyan.

In Russia, during the COVID-19 epic, the public majority, “which, firstly, supported the president and, secondly, has become the patriotic foundation which supported our society during the special military operation in Ukraine “, was treated with quite an offensive language, reminded Kurginyan

If you want to be convincing, you must prove to people how much you respect and love them, even if you hate them. But there was this hatred that has spilling out into the open. It caused alienation; it sharply reduced the effect of this very vaccination, because people said: no, no, if you talk to us like that, thank you,and so on. Why was it all done?”  said Kurginyan.

The megatrend planners needed to inflate a hundred folds and at any cost something called “a pandemic scare”, and increase the rating of what is called “a vaccine safety,” emphasized the author.

It was accomplished. Vaccines were manufactured, purchased, a certain center named bla-bla-blaissued its shares through public offerings, call them – Vaccines, and earned approximately two trillion dollars in total. And after that, to some extent, it all got dissolved, it was said – its over, thats it, its all over.This means that these same investment funds bought pharmaceuticals, politicians and the media at a relatively low price, forced the share prices for the pharmaceuticals to rise 10-20 times, sold them at the peak value, made a profit and stepped aside,” explained the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency