Kurginyan: Big investment funds engineer the pandemic megatrend

27.05.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Any megatrend is formed by a certain entity and serves its interests, and in the case of a pandemic, such entities were the largest investment funds, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 3 in the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda TV channel.

Any megatrend is controlled by someone, it serves someones interests. It is, in essence, a project, and this project has a subject,” Kurginyan emphasized.

There are certain limitations, noted the political scientist, and if an asteroid suddenly strikes the earth, then there is no need to ask “which of the capitalist groups has redirected an asteroid from space onto Earth in order to increase their profits.” Such statements would be conspiracy theories or madness, said Kurginyan.

But a very large part of these global processes are controllable,” the analyst emphasized. At the same time, he noted that when public attention is directed to figures with lesser influence, such as the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, or the founder and permanent president of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Klaus Schwab, this happens as planned by the producers of this global spectacle, who want to distract attention from something else.

Let’s consider the pandemic as part of this global world process. Now, it is clear which of the largest investment funds – BlackRock and so on – lobbied for which vaccines. It was AstraZeneca, it was Pfizer, and so on,” noted Kurginyan.

It is clear that at the very top of this pyramid – there are these exact same investment funds: BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and so on; with a total capital of 5, 7, 10 trillion dollars,” said the political scientist.

Kurginyan recalled that “before, no one talked about trillions at all.” Previously, the imaginable limits were measured in billions of dollars. “Now the count is in the trillions,” the analyst emphasized.

Every investment fund uses a simple logic,” noted Kurginyan. As an example, he quoted the drug manufacturing industry, so-called Big Pharma.

Over the last 50 years, clearly, there has been developing a following trend: in the past, the pharmaceutical industry as such was largely dependent on the medical corporation and its ideas about ​ the world and how to provide care to a person; now everything is determined by Big Pharma itself, which made the medical community its subordinate a long time ago,” the analyst emphasized.

So, the entire medical care system became complicit with this Big Pharma. This Big Pharma itself has grown, it is growing very fast, but still, I think its total potential is below a trillion, 600-800 billion dollars,” the political scientist estimated.

Kurginyan stressed that large investment funds are backing up Big Pharma, “their goal, without any conspiracy theories, is simple – to buy when the price is low, and to sell when the price is high.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency