Scholz doesn’t think it’s necessary to allow Kiev to hit targets in Russian Federation with Western weapons

26.05.2024, Berlin.

German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not think it is possible to change the rules on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons, German public broadcaster ZDF reported on May 26.

At a public discussion in Berlin, Scholz was asked when he intends to allow Kiev to fire German weapons at Russian territory.

In response, the German Chancellor answered cautiously, despite the position of the “traffic light party,” the source notes.

We have clear rules regarding the arms deliveries that we have carried out so far. These rules have been agreed with Ukraine. And they are in place,” Scholz emphasized, noting that he sees no need to change these agreements.

Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made a proposal to NATO allies. The secretary-general asked them to consider whether Kiev should use weapons transferred by the West to strike Russian territory.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency