Kurginyan: Playing the Islamic unity card between Iran and Turkey is pointless

23.05.2024, Moscow.

The centuries-old conflict between Iran and Turan cannot be hidden under the guise of Islamic unity, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on April 19 in the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel when commenting on the relationship between Iran and Turkey.

On the one hand, Turkey wants to be a member of NATO; but on the other hand, it positions itself as a country capable of acting as a leader in the most important processes in the Islamic world, which viewed as Sunni’s and not Shiite, noted Kurginyan. At the same time, Iran is not included in the general Islamic mainstream because of its Shiite orientation, the political scientist emphasized.

Sergey Kurginyan described how during his visit to Iran he had the opportunity to attend a congress of Islamic youth. And after this event, one of the deputies of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, spiritual leaders of Iran, was asked about his views on the “great Islamic unity.”

Im telling you: When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former Iranian president, and the main speaker at the event says death to Zionism; where everyone howls with joy, growls in a violent reaction. Ahmadinejad revels in such a response, but as soon as Ahmadinejad talks about the Mahdi, they howl with indignation, stomp their feet, because this already has a Shiite link, and the majority of member states at the congress are Sunni,” the political scientist explained what he saw at the congress.

The leader of the Essence of Time movement also drew attention to the relationship between Islamic Iran and Afghanistan. He noted that Iran understands the threats from the Taliban (an organization banned in Russia) in Afghanistan. According to the political scientist, Iran is going to destroy this dangerous force, both through drugs and other means.

All these business agreements between Iran and Turkey, all these mutual efforts to play the Islamic unity card, all together it looks – as if behind these masks hides a centuries-old conflict which was so brilliantly described by the great Iranian poet Ferdowsi, the conflict between Iran and the Turan. And this conflict will never go to sleep, which is why the Middle East is much more complicated. And Iran understands how others want to destroy it, and is doing everything to prevent this from happening,” the political scientist explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency