Russian military correspondent: Russian fighter jet shoots down one of the best Ukrainian fighter pilots

18.05.2024, Moscow.

A Russian Air Force fighter shot down Denis Vasilyuk, considered one of the best Ukrainian fighter pilots, in an aerial battle in the zone of Russia’s special military operation, Russian military correspondent Yevgeniy Poddubny wrote on his Telegram channel on May 18.

“Ukrainian fighter pilot Lieutenant Colonel Denis Vasilyuk has been eliminated in the zone of Russia’s special military operation,” the statement reads. Russian military correspondent also wrote that the pilot was considered one of the best among coworkers. The Su-27 on which Vasilyuk was flying was shot down in an aerial battle by a fighter pilot of the Russian Air and Space Forces.

According to the head of the civil-military administration of Kharkov Region, Vitaliy Ganchev, during the liberation of Volchansk in Kharkov Region, the Russian Armed Forces found local residents who remained in the city and managed to avoid the forced evacuation by the Ukrainian authorities. They are being assisted in traveling to the territory of Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency