Kurginyan: Global Nazism became international after 1949

17.05.2024, Minsk.

After World War Two, the ideologists of Nazism changed their attitude towards the Jews, and neo-Nazism became international, so there is no sense to refer to Vladimir Zelensky’s ethnicity in an attempt to deny that there are Nazis in Ukraine, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on April 10 on the Objectively program on Belarusian channel ONT.

Kurginyan reminded that he expressed full support to the Russian authorities’ policy aimed at the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. “I am happy that my country has started what it has started in response to the challenge it faced,” he stressed.

I am absolutely positive regarding profound internal nazification of Ukraine. And please do not tell anyone who has been studying neo-Nazism over 30 years ‘indeed, do not you see there are Jews there?’ – So what? This does not make any difference today,” Kurginyan explained the groundlessness of any attempts to argue that there is no Nazism in Ukraine because Vladimir Zelensky is of Jewish origin.

The political scientist reminded that after World War Two the ideologists of Nazism who escaped from justice to the West changed their attitude towards the Jewish nation. “Starting form the meetings in San Remo in 1949 neo-Nazism has been transforming in this direction,” Kurginyan said.

According to him, among those responsible for the Ukrainian militants’ attacks against Belgorod there were international neo-Nazi groups. “They included so-called Strasserists,” the political scientist noted.

Kurginyan reminded that Otto and Gregor Strasser were ideologists of the SA Nazi units (the “brownshirts”), i.e. Röhm’s assault troops whom Himmler killed during the “Night of the Long Knives.” “One of the brothers was killed, but the other one fled,” the political scientist reminded.

When he (Otto Strasser) came back, he said, ‘Now I am a victim of the Hitler regime! And I will play the key role in the post-war Germany!’” Kurginyan explained.

This is why today it is not Hitler’s, but Himmler’s Nazism, he added. “And Himmler said, ‘One must be crazy to think that the German people will control the entire humanity. How can we control it? Will 100 million Germans control billions of the Chinese? We need an international elite under our control, which will build certain kind of a world,’” the political scientist reminded.

According to him, Strasser said the same thing, therefore any speculations about Zelensky’s ethnicity make no sense for the existence of Nazis in Ukraine. “Especially after we heard from certain – not all, but certain – members of the Jewish nation that there are Jewish Bandera Nazis,” Kurginyan stressed.

We did not make this up, we would never imagine this even in a nightmare after the massacre of Babi Yar, but we heard this from the other side. And Bandera Nazis’ pages removed from Yad Vashem as well as many other things are really indicative, I repeat. So these factors cannot be used as reference,” he added.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency