Kurginyan: Pashinyan’s Armenia surrendered itself to Turkey

05.04.2024, Moscow.

By electing a pro-Azerbaijani and pro-Turkish prime minister Pashinyan Armenia itself expressed readiness to surrender everything to Turkey, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on March 16 on the Right to Know program on channel TVC.

The Russian Armenian diaspora is weaker than the US or the French ones, and it is not independent in this sense. I know this for a long time, it is a matter of mentality…” Kurginyan explained answering a question about the role of this community in Armenia’s destiny and policy.

Therefore, the political scientist believes, this diaspora has no options for its own game on the political field, and any statements about this, including sometimes inappropriate lecturing towards Russia, are nothing more than rhetoric.

The Russian-Turkish link determines the game, and that’s it. Neither this diaspora nor anyone else can make any difference here. This link has been established, it exists,” the expert noted.

He explained what the mainstream of the Russian-Turkish relations today is.

Our diplomats and our pro-Turkish, so to say, domestic lobbies are very powerful and constructive, and they maneuver in a way to prevent Turkey from attacking us directly. A sort of a loose game is ongoing, and I find it absolutely positive,” the political scientist explained.

Kurginyan noted that the election of Nikol Pashinyan was absolutely indicative, and it determined the destiny of this state for the near future.

If it had pursued a different policy, all these diasporas, including Dashnaks (Armenian revolutionaries – Rossa Primavera News Agency), would have quickly decided how Pashinyan political destiny must end. He would have lived ten days as a politician! And if he lives and tells everyone what to do, and he is obviously surrendering Armenia to Turkey, it has to be a collective decision of the diasporas,” the expert stressed.

He explained that after all Pashinyan’s steps to surrender Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, including the blocking of even Russian military aid that was stopped on its way to Karabakh by Pashinyan’s order, it became clear that Armenia itself gave the lives of its young people in exchange for alleged comfort under the Turkish rule.

They themselves – army did not made a move that way – shouted ‘Artsakh, miatsum, anjatum!’ and they screamed about Karabakh saying it was their fundamental, existential problem – and they surrendered it! This is a small country, and seven thousand boys gave their lives to defend that Artsakh, miatsum etc… they were betrayed! They surrendered all that in a condition of deepest defeatism… What can this country do?” Kurginyan assessed the condition of the contemporary Armenian state and society.

The political scientist reminded that historically Armenia always had to choose between the domination of the Turks or the Persians (Iran), and it mostly preferred to suffer suppression and violence by Turkey.

They want to be friends with them [with Turkey], they want to love them, they want to surrender to them, they want to give them whatever they they want just to be able to keep quiet and look at this Turkish tiger,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency