08.02.2024, Moscow.
A new fascization of Europe is possible using migrants as a new internal enemy, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on January 26 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.
The host Anna Shafran asked the philosopher about a new fascization of the Europeans in view of the growing number of migrants who begin to dictate their own agenda.
“Fascization is a very complicated process. The fascization of the population we know is either impossible or extremely difficult. To accomplish this, who is needed? An internal enemy is needed. Jews are needed. There are no Jews,” Kurginyan stressed.
He noted that after the end of the Great Patriotic War on May 9, 1945, the Jews attempted to come back to Paris, Prague, Warsaw, and elsewhere. They believed they had the right to return after they suffered from fascism; however, the destiny of the Jewish population after the victory is a different story.
“Then, violence in the Czech Republic began, and the Jews fled elsewhere understanding they would be killed in a massacre in Poland again. To a smaller extent this was true for France. This was part of the creation of the state of Israel. I have always said that the song Migrant Birds are Flying was written in 1949, and it was clear what it was about: it was about the citizens of the Soviet Union whom Stalin allowed to move to Israel,” Kurginyan told.
He added that Europe disliked the Jews, and they knew it. Because the bourgeois European population, which remained uninvolved in the French communist party or other resistance forces, liked Hitler. The political scientist referred to an example of a French military and state figure Philippe Pétain who did not really want to resist Hitler as he liked him deep inside.
“It [Europe] passionately surrendered to fascists,” Kurginyan noted. He reminded that, in spite of any attempts to “brainwash the entire population,” numerous data suggest that “the Soviet soldier was a liberator.”
Today, there are no Jews as a factor, and Europe needs another enemy, the philosopher believes.
“Then the migrant becomes the internal enemy. And he is quite ready for this role. He rightfully despises the local European population. He has no intention to assimilate, forget about the US melting pot. He will never assimilate. He becomes social and other kinds of threat. He becomes a competitor on the labor market when economy declines. Nevertheless, he needs to be sustained in a way. Then, a question arises what is he needed for? He is not needed. However, it is a great work to make him an actual enemy to be expelled. It takes time,” Kurginyan concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency