Turkish Foreign Ministry: War in Gaza Stripe may become geostrategic turning point

05.01.2024, Ankara.

The Israeli-Palestinian war unfolding in the Gaza Strip could lead to an arms race and a geostrategic fracture in the region, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said, Daily Sabah reported on January 4.

According to him, the region’s countries, following the actions of the West, which has abandoned humanitarian values in pursuit of its interests, concluded that in the face of new threats, “everyone is on their own.”

Fidan believes that the new understanding that ‘everyone is on their own’ will unite the region’s countries seeking more effective security mechanisms and entering a new arms race.

The Turkish Foreign Minister also expressed the opinion that the latest US foreign policy actions in Syria and Afghanistan showed that Washington is less and less ready to solve the problems of the Middle East and is unable to resolve the situation in the Gaza Strip. It has no mechanism to put pressure on Israel.

Fidan said that the Islamic world lacks the tools to impose its will on the international community. Muslim countries should preserve their unity in this case and must look for tools that could lead to consequences for Western countries beyond words of condemnation. If the Islamic world fails in the case of the Gaza Strip, it will further open the door for the West to act solely with its interests in mind.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency