The West is too late with the “Korean” scenario for Ukraine. Opinion

18.12.2023, Moscow.

The West is thinking about a “Korean” scenario for Ukraine, but Russia has already rejected such an option for resolving the conflict, according to the report from the theater of war published in The Essence of Time newspaper, issue 564.

Former US ambassador to Kiev William Taylor believes that Ukraine has two options in the short term. The first is that NATO will agree to increase its support for Ukraine to regain control over lost territories. The second is that Ukraine will not have enough strength to continue the conflict and will eventually have to agree to a division of territory along the lines of the Korean example.

The Washington Post, which cited Taylor’s opinion, believes that dividing Ukraine according to the “Korean” scenario would secure Russia’s control over the territories that joined it in 2014. On the other hand, such an end to the conflict could secure Ukraine’s future membership in the EU and NATO.

“The Russian Foreign Ministry, through Zakharova, has already rejected the possibility of a settlement according to the ‘Korean’ scenario,” The Essence of Time editorial reads.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency