Kurginyan: Palestine’s winning because it’s fighting while Israel’s relaxing

28.10.2023, Moscow.

If the Israeli army enters the Gaza Strip, it will only anger the Islamic population and make the next anti-Israeli war even more powerful, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on October 20 in Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio.

Kurginyan noted that he would like to ask Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians what they will do after sending troops into the Gaza Strip.

Israeli soldiers will be stuck in a swirling sea of hatred, he described the situation.

The political scientist noted that in the modern world the Israeli army will not be able to destroy all its opponents. “Do they no longer hear that Europe is howling, having come to its senses? Dont they understand that if they take three more steps, they will find themselves without allies? – Kurginyan asked.

Everything is very bad, there is a lot of cruelty, there are many violations of a certain high military chivalric code on both sides, there is murdering of innocent civilians, everything is taking place – but this process will be limited. And the only thing they will achieve is to anger these Islamic masses, the politician said.

He also pointed out to the disgusting statements made by Israeli politicians who described Palestinians as animals. “Brutes are those who say this; do you know that Palestinians win in the Olympics? — the political scientist is asking.

The Palestinian population is highly intelligent and they have shown what they can do in terms of intelligence services and major operations. It showed you what youre worth with all your inflated power, Kurginyan emphasized.

He explained that Palestinian military successes occurred because Israelis are consumerists and indulge in pleasures, while Palestinians are fighters. “And, those who are able to fight will eventually prevail, the political scientist emphasized. He cited Vietnam as an example.

This means that the Palestinian leadership will strengthen, it will be supported by the enraged masses, it will recruit people and train them. And there will be a place to train! And I assure you that the West will train them all,” the political scientist described the future course of events.

He stressed that the next wave of violence against Israel will be even more powerful. The army’s actions in the Gaza Strip will lead to “the need to consolidate against Israel, even those countries that now wish to escape being trapped in this conflict,” noted Kurginyan.

The world will become increasingly radicalized and groups such as the Gray Wolves or Islamic Jihad (organizations banned in Russia) will prevail, stated the expert.

So, this all will heat up, receive military training, day and night, focusing only on war, and those in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and somewhere else; and the loveliest thing is – in Jerusalem, they will hold gay pride parades? And continue to eat for three? And suffer from further degradation? But they will be swept away,” Kurginyan pointed out.

When the barbarians captured Rome, they harnessed noble patrician women to carts with loot, recalled the expert. They lashed them with whips and they pulled these carts and begged to be killed, the political scientist described the scene.

Pardon me, but I ask everyone this question, over and over again: myself, the Armenians, Israel, Greece, the Bulgarians and, ultimately, this entire Western civilization. Does anyone remember how Hellenism and Roman decay ended, the Roman Empire in its period of decline?They all ended just like that,” Kurginyan said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency