Swedish journalist: Sweden trapped by decision to join NATO

27.10.2023, Stockholm.

The decision to join NATO during the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East has led Sweden into a trap, journalist Chris Forsne said in an interview with SwebbTV published on October 27.

She noted that this decision put the country on the front line of the conflict with Russia. The journalist emphasized that the kingdom’s accession to NATO does not strengthen peace in Europe, but only makes Stockholm a tool in the fight against Moscow.

“It amazes me how quickly our government took this step. Why such a rush to join NATO during two conflicts in a hot stage?” Forsne posed a question.

She reminded that Sweden has always taken a neutral position. Before making such a decision, the country’s authorities should have held a referendum, the journalist said.

In the spring of 2022, Sweden and Finland applied to join NATO. Even though the countries initially stated that they would join the alliance only together, they changed their position later.

Finland became a NATO member in April 2023, Sweden’s application is still under review. Hungary and Turkey have not yet given their permission to join the alliance.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency