Kurginyan: Western churches in Armenia played a significant role in destruction of Karabakh

27.10.2023, Moscow.

It is impossible to understand the processes taking place in Armenian society without understanding the role of Western churches in Armenia, political scientist, philosopher and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel on October 6.

Sergey Kurginyan noted that when Armenia’s first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan resigned and a patriotic and partly pro-Karabach clan led by Robert Kocharyan came to power, this clan made a big mistake by allowing Ter-Petrosyan to play a significant role in politics and promote Western interests.

Kocharyan did not pay close attention to the establishing and strengthening of various kinds of foreign, Protestant, quasi-protestant sects in Armenia, the political scientist explained.

Today these sects are more powerful than the historically great Christian Church of Armenia. “They are already more powerful!” the analyst emphasized.

“Without understanding this circumstance, you cannot understand at all what is happening now, what is happening with the grassroots. And [these sects] are gaining more control over this grassroots there. So, all these processes, pro-American, pro-Western and so on, have continued,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

Despite Ter-Petrosyan’s resignation, the situation in Karabakh has gradually begun to change for the worse, the political analyst noted.

“The same thing started in Karabakh and in Armenia. But it started even in Karabakh. Karabakh gradually moved from Sparta to the philistine way of life and indulge in the joys of that consumer society that was imposed on the entire former territory of the Soviet Union in the post-Soviet times. But this was absolutely fatal for Karabakh!” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

He added that Karabakh decayed more slowly than Armenia, but it too was decaying.

“Neither Robert Kocharyan nor anyone else prevented this. It was believed that if anti-Karabakh forces raised their heads in Yerevan, the Karabakh military clan would intervene. It was believed that it was impossible to detach the Karabakh army from the Armenian army and so on.

But the people who had already stood for Karabakh in the post-Soviet era, after Levon Ter-Petrosyan, they might be slandered in terms of their corruption. But they proved insufficiently sophisticated and effective to secure, I repeat, Karabakh’s rating in Armenia, to preserve Sparta-like way of life in Karabakh as such and to preserve the military spirit in Armenia. They failed to do all this,” the political scientist explained.

Sergey Kurginyan emphasized that the loss of Sparta spirit in Karabakh led to pro-Karabakh politicians losing power in Armenia. And this in turn led to the election of Nikol Pashinyan, who formalized the loss of Karabakh.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency