Israel begins to expand its ground operation in Gaza Strip

27.10.2023, Tel-Aviv.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began to expand its ground military operation in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari said at a briefing on October 27.

“We have increased the pace of attacks on the Gaza Strip. Our air force is attacking underground targets and terrorist infrastructure. In continuation of the attacks on the Gaza Strip, our forces are expanding the scope of the ground operation in these hours to ensure that the goals of this war are met,” Hagari said.

Earlier, CNN correspondents reported massive tank and artillery fire on Gaza from Israeli army positions.

Correspondents observed a huge wall of smoke with a distinctive odor in the area of the Gaza Strip, which may indicate a camouflage smoke screen.

At the same time, the Palestinian telecommunications company Jawwal reported that the attacks had permanently destroyed communication cables, resulting in a “complete shutdown of telecommunications services.”

On October 7, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict sharply escalated after the attack of Hamas units on Israel.

On October 9, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced the beginning of the blockade, “I ordered a complete blockade of the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed.” Israeli Energy Minister Yisrael Katz also announced that the water supply to the Strip would be cut off.

It should be noted that on October 11, UN representatives reported that 13 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are forced to work in a limited mode due to the lack of fuel and medical supplies.

On October 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow supported a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of the UN Security Council decisions on the establishment of an independent sovereign Palestinian state.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency