Kurginyan: Russia needs a qualitatively different army and a different society

26.10.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

In order to stand a chance in the confrontation with the West, Russia vitally needs a qualitatively different army and society, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in the new issue of his author’s program Destiny.

Kurginyan recalled that over the past 30 years, Russia has been building an army and a military-industrial complex that were no longer going to wage full-scale wars, but were intended to conduct operations in hot spots. However, Russia found itself drawn into a medium-scale war, and both the army and the Russian military-industrial complex risk not being able to handle things if the stress increases by a factor of three to four.

We need a qualitatively different military-industrial complex. A qualitatively different army. And, damn it, a qualitatively different society,” said the political scientist.

According to Kurginyan, it will not be possible to mobilize the existing social system quickly in order to increase the country’s military capabilities, and the Russian leadership understands this.

The President of Russia and other very smart people who provide his intellectual and political support, they understand perfectly well that as soon as they begin to put some strain on the system of consumerist haven in the way I described it – with a new army, with a new military-industrial complex, then, they wont be able to accomplish it quick enough. The existing military-industrial complex can be strained. Well done, they did it. They did it much better than anyone could have imagined, the expert notes.

But it is impossible to achieve a qualitatively different, higher level of Russia’s defense capabilities under the current system, the political scientist adds. This means – it needs to be changed.

The social status of engineers, scientists, higher education teachers, those who train them, the army itself — all this needs to be changed, says the social activist.

Tomorrow, if the West will get tired of financing Ukraine, and it will happen, they will completely rob the Russians. What will we do? We will have a symmetrical response, we have such a capability. Are we using it? It will make the whole process even more intense. Such a greater intensity will require a greater development here? – the political scientist warned.

However, it turns out that the growth of the Russian defense complex is possible to a certain level, and for further development, fundamental changes to the entire system will be needed, Kurginyan is convinced.

This means that militarization and the military work load on this system will increase. And, as it turns out – there is something it can do. It can do this, it can do that. But something else it cant, and this – it cant, and that it cant. Therefore, it will reach a certain limit,” the political scientist suggested.

And finally there will come a point when the issue will no longer be about the work load. The issue will be about ideological orientation, competence, mobilization, consolidation, real sacrifice, and much more, the political scientist added .

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency