Kurginyan: The modest and firm Russian soldier stopped Ukrainian armed units’ counteroffensive

20.09.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

The Ukrainian armed units’ counteroffensive in Ukraine was stopped thanks to the heroism of many Russian soldiers who went to war despite the philistine state and severe damage of contemporary Russia, said political scientist, philosopher, leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on September 5 in a new issue of his author’s program Destiny.

The political analyst recalled that the counteroffensive by the Ukrainian armed units was announced long ago and that large human and technical reserves had been amassed for it. “Huge forces have been pulled there, all the combat-ready forces that this Banderite Ukraine has at its disposal,” he said.

“And if a huge number of people, who entered this military mystery act of existential nature directly from badly damaged and very philistine consumeristic Russia, had not shown a mysterious heroism, a mysterious combination of modesty and this heroism and a complete lack of desire to show off about it, the enemy would be in Melitopol now. He had every reason to count on it,” Kurginyan emphasized

According to him, “the ordinary Russian warrior, busy with his work, showing complete lack of self-promotion and disciplined enough stood” in the way of the Banderite army. “And everything what is happening there [at the front line], well, it is not bloodless at all. The soldiers who are holding back the huge Ukrainian machine there show fantastic heroism. It’s not like they’re immune to bullets, shells and everything else. There are heavy losses. And despite them – they are holding the line,” the philosopher said.

In the political scientist’s opinion, this is the main mystery. It is not that a “chocolate” Russia with a “chocolate” army failed to realize what was prescribed to it by media, public figures and bureaucracy, but that within this movement there turned out to be a great deal of “heroic genuineness, self-sacrifice and the great modesty that has always distinguished the Russian warrior.”

Sergey Kurginyan recalled that the spirit of the Russian soldier was described particularly convincingly by Leo Tolstoy in his The Sevastopol Sketches and in the character of Captain Tushin in War and Peace. “Late, the real great Soviet culture talked much about it. So, after all, the main thing is this,” he pointed out.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency