Austrian Defense Ministry gives no concrete answer about Austrian soldiers in Ukraine

06.09.2023, Vienna.

The Austrian Defense Ministry could not give a concrete answer to the Austrian Freedom Party’s inquiry about the participation of Austrian servicemen in the conflict in Ukraine, the Austrian newspaper Exxpress wrote on September 6.

Earlier, the Exxpress newspaper posted a video showing a soldier in an Austrian army uniform with the Austrian coat of arms on the left sleeve of his jacket. After the publication, the Freedom Party of Austria filed a request to the Austrian Defense Ministry because the participation of Austrian soldiers in the Ukrainian conflict cast doubt on Austria’s neutral status.

The newspaper reports that the Freedom Party of Austria received a response from the Austrian Defense Ministry “with very little concrete information.” The Defense Ministry specified that it could only assume that “the uniform could be a ‘field uniform 75’ of the federal army” and “the face was also not identified”.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency