Le Figaro: Zelensky screams about “treason against the motherland,” while demanding more cannon fodder

01.09.2023, Paris.

The inefficiency of Ukraine’s military commissariats, which are failing to recruit enough conscripts for the Ukrainian armed forces because of rampant corruption, has angered the country’s president Vladimir Zelensky, Le Figaro wrote on September 1.

“Zelensky subjected more than 200 conscription centers to inspection. The leader of the state was in a rage denouncing corruption in the bodies responsible for sending conscripts to the front. Any corruption in this area Zelensky immediately qualifies as ‘treason against the motherland’,” journalists wrote in the publication.

The publication also reported that many Ukrainian military conscripts try to pay a bribe of several thousand dollars to flee abroad to escape mobilization.

And this is despite the fact that at the beginning of Russia’s special operation, there was a lot of talk about the cohesion of the Ukrainian people. According to journalists, since the beginning of hostilities, 13,600 people have been arrested trying to leave Ukraine illegally.

The country’s citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving for other states without special permission. But people who were determined to fight are now preferring to run away from military service, the authors of the article concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency