Ukrainian nationalists attack Donetsk with MRLSs

24.08.2023, Donetsk.

Ukrainian nationalists attacked the Kiev district of Donetsk with multiple rocket launcher systems. A representative of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) to the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Issues related to the Ukrainian War Crimes (JCCC) said this on August 24.

“The Ukrainian armed units fired 20 rockets using the MRLSs at 09:08 a.m. from the village Orlovka in the direction of Donetsk city (Kiev district),” the report reads.

The Ukrainian armed units use both artillery and multiple rocket launcher systems to attack towns and villages in Donbass. The Ukrainian anationalists have recently started using not only conventional but also cluster munitions to shell populated areas.

The use of cluster munitions is prohibited by the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. However, neither the USA, Ukraine nor Russia have signed it. At the same time, Moscow, despite the fact that there are many different types of such munitions in the arsenal of the Russian Armed Forces, has always refrained from using them in armed conflicts because of the great danger they pose to civilians.

Following the US administration’s announcement that the United States would begin supplying Kiev with cluster munitions for the Ukrainian armed units, Moscow also reserved the right to reciprocal actions in response to Kiev’s use of cluster munitions.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency