Russian tank withstands a direct hit by NLAW grenade launcher

15.08.2023, Moscow.

A Russian tank continued to fight after being directly hit by an NLAW grenade launcher and blown up by an anti-tank mine while escorting an assault convoy in the Avdeevka direction, RIA Novosti informed on August 15, citing an officer of the Russian Army Group Yug.

The officer explained that the mechanized assault group was sent on a mission in the Avdeevka direction. One tank was performing a deceptive maneuver, while the second was moving at the head of the column, covering a pair of IFVs. As the tank approached the enemy, it began to suppress the fire of the enemy fortification while the soldiers disembarked from the IFVs.

“During the combat, our tank was directly hit from an NLAW grenade launcher. But the crew retained its combat capability and continued maneuvering and firing at the enemy,” the agency quoted the officer as saying.

The tank then hit a mine barrier but also continued to fire at the enemy. The tank crew accomplished their task and left the vehicle when it was already completely immobilized and, “most importantly, when the convoy they were covering was completely out of the enemy’s fire range,” he added.

Later, artillery launched a massive strike on Ukrainian positions from which the tank was hit, the fire was adjusted using a drone, the officer added.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency