Yasen submarines will be equipped with hypersonic weapons

14.08.2023, Moscow.

Yasen-type multi-purpose submarines will carry hypersonic Zirkon missiles, United Shipbuilding Corporation’s (OSK) CEO Aleksey Rakhmanov said, RIA Novosti wrote on August 14.

OSK CEO Aleksey Rakhmanov said that according to the decision of the Russian Defense Ministry, submarines of the Yasen-M project will be armed with hypersonic Zircon missiles, and work in this direction is already underway.

Aleksey Rakhmanov noted that the first Russian ship with Zircon missiles on board was the Project 22350 frigate Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov.

“Arming of serial frigates with this complex will be carried out following the plan of the Russian Defense Ministry during their construction and operation,” Aleksey Rakhmanov added.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency