Niger’s new authorities denounce military agreements with France

04.08.2023, Niamey.

Niger denounced its military agreements with France, French newspaper Le Monde wrote on August 4.

The military authorities of Niger announced that they denounced several military agreements concluded with France. Specifically those concerning the deployment of a French detachment on the territory of this country and the “status” of military personnel present in Niger as part of the fight against radical Islamism were terminated. Currently, there were about 1,500 French soldiers in the country, not counting special forces.

“Faced with the inconsideration and negative reaction of France regarding the situation in Niger, the National Council for the Defense of the Fatherland (CNSP) has decided to denounce security and defense cooperation agreements with this state,” a council’s spokesman said.

The announcement was part of severing pre-existing ties between France, a former colonial power, and Niger, its former colony. Relations with Paris have deteriorated since the change of power in the West African country. A number of anti-French demonstrations took place, including in front of the French Embassy.

Several French media outlets were banned from broadcasting, notably the French Radio France International (RFI) and the France 24 news channel. Access to the French embassy and other nearby French institutions was blocked by law enforcement authorities in Niger, as noted by journalists from the French news agency AFP.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency