Day of Remembrance of Children – Victims of Genocide in Donbass

27.07.2023, Moscow.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) established within the framework of criminal investigations the deaths of 145 children as a result of criminal actions of the Kiev regime in Donbass since 2014, the ICR press service informed on July 27.

Since last year, July 27 was declared the Day of Remembrance of Children – Victims of the War in Donbass.

Nine years ago, a young mother Christina Zhuk died trying to save her ten-month-old daughter Kira from the artillery shelling of Gorlovka by armed nationalist units of Ukraine.

The mother died together with the child, never letting her daughter out of her arms. The pictures of the deceased with her infant in her arms traveled around the world, and Kristina became known as the “Gorlovka Madonna.”

The names of children killed in Donbas are carved on the “Alley of Angels” in Donetsk.

Western countries continue to pump Ukraine with more deadly weapons, and the list of child victims of the war in Donbass continues to grow. Residents bring toys and light memorial candles to the Alley of Angels.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency