Russian State Duma Speaker Volodin: Russian society shows its maturity

02.07.2023, Moscow.

Russian society showed its maturity by its reaction to the mutiny, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said in his Telegram channel on July 2.

Despite the multi-party system and the opportunity to express a variety of points of view, there was not a single example of anyone supporting the rebellion. Having passed this test, society has shown its maturity,” Volodin said.

According to the speaker, June 23-24 were the days of the unity and consolidation of society around President Vladimir Putin. The security forces demonstrated their best qualities: they repulsed Nazi attacks at the front line and ensured security at the rear.

According to Volodin, Putin strengthened his credibility in the aftermath of the situation. If Putin had been in charge of the country in 1917 or 1991, there would have been neither a revolution nor the collapse of the USSR.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency