Kurginyan: It is necessary to tell the truth honestly and humanly to the defenders of Russia

01.07.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

Russia needs to stop with the menial descriptions of reality, which turn into panicked silence under pressure, said philosopher, analyst, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on the air of the Conversation with a Sage program on Radio Zvezda on June 30.

If it crosses a red line and becomes a mutiny, it must be shot or settled, but if it is on the other side, sensitivity must be shown to that very thing. Otherwise, we will run not into a mutiny when the one who raised it agrees to go to Belarus, having understood that he has already been grabbed, but we will run into another one which is much worse, much more destructive,” Kurginyan said.

According to the political scientist, Russia is vulnerable precisely because of the grateful intentions of its most heroic defenders to receive something substantial, “starting from the mandatory payments which they are not getting, as we hear screaming all over the country, to values, ideological course, and everything else.

Kurginyan noted that these defenders are now most important and are the salt of the Russian land.

They have always been it, and now it is a matter of life and death. This can be understood once and for all: the same thing that was done with the coronavirus and everything else is being carried out. They (the authorities – note by Rossa Primavera News Agency) do not want to listen to this segment of society; they believe that they can be wave off from the segment,” Kurginyan said.

According to him, this segment cannot be ignored at all, especially in conditions of war, when defenders are shedding blood and everything depends on them. Kurginyan stressed that this segment should be listened to sensitively, without any ingratiation, without wagging.

Honestly, humanly speak his language and tell the truth. And that means giving up on menial descriptions of reality, which at the first stress turn into panicked silence,” Kurginyan summarized.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency