Kurginyan explains why Putin let Prigozhin go

01.07.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

Russian President Vladimir Putin allowed the head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin and other rebels to leave for Belarus because he did not want to allow the mass extermination of recent heroes who fought in Ukraine, said philosopher, analyst, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on the air of the Conversation with a Sage program on Radio Zvezda on June 30.

The political analyst said that when speaking about the June 23-24 rebellion of the Wagner PMC, one should keep in mind Putin’s assessment of what happened. This assessment, according to Kurginyan, is tough, without semitones, not allowing any ambiguity.

Therefore, one cannot (no matter how much one would like to) start overplaying this assessment: calling these people, I don’t know, disgruntled truth-tellers rather than participants of a mutiny,” the analyst stressed.

According to Kurginyan, Putin will not give up this unequivocal evaluation – both because he never changes his evaluations, and because the evaluation of the event as a betrayal was voiced in the media.

The philosopher responded to those who asked why the rebels were actually pardoned and allowed to leave for Belarus. He, in turn, questioned what the questioners wanted in this situation, what they expected.

They wanted some units loyal to the president to start exterminating thousands of supporters of this Wagner, who before that were heroically fighting with Ukraine? Are we seeing this picture? Here are some ‘travelers’ coming up, to Moscow or elsewhere, other units deploy and begin their mass extermination,” Kurginyan explained.

The political analyst pointed out that in such a scenario, “some momentary jubilation would be replaced by a delayed disgust” of the people.

Putin said in an address on June 24, 2023: “…actions that split our unity are, in fact, an apostasy from our people, from our comrades-in-arms who are fighting now at the front. It is a stab in the back of our country and our people. And what we are facing is precisely betrayal.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency