New WHO regulations significantly weaken state sovereignty. Opinion

19.06.2023, Moscow.

According to the new regulations developed, the WHO gets the right to close borders, introduce quarantine measures and vaccination passports in all participating countries without coordinating, but only notifying the authorities of the country, Zhanna Tachmamedova said in the article “Rights and freedoms from now on are harmful to health?” published on June 11 in the newspaper The Essence of Time, no.  537.

The 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) is now in session in Geneva to discuss and develop new measures to prevent new pandemics. The event also discusses the experience with the coronavirus pandemic.

The documents being developed by WHO fundamentally change the basic principles of health protection at the national, international and global levels.

In addition to greatly lowering the threshold for declaring an emergency by WHO’s Director General, the new standards and amendments increase WHO’s authority. They will not even require the consent of the state to take action.

“If the new regulations are approved, the WHO can start taking action not even if there is an outbreak, but only if there is a potential for an outbreak,” Tachmamedova reports.

According to the new amendments, words about the non-binding implementation of WHO recommendations are excluded from the regulations. The words “non-binding” are literally removed from the definition of recommendations in the rules.

“The amendments reinforce and tighten the requirement to recognize the leadership role of the WHO in the Agreement,” the author notes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency