DPR ombudswoman: Mass murders of Artemovsk residents will be investigated

19.06.2023, Donetsk.

War crimes by Ukrainian armed units in Artemovsk will be investigated, and a military tribunal awaits all the war criminals. Darya Morozova, the ombudswoman of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), announced this at a press conference on June 19, and details were published on the official website of the DPR ombudswoman.

Morozova said that the main topic of her communication with journalists was the war crimes committed by Ukrainian armed units in the liberated city of Artemovsk.

“The focus was on the facts of mass murders of civilians, including the targeted bombing of residential buildings. The journalists were able to learn the details firsthand from people who managed to survive and escape from the hell created by Kiev,” she noted.

At the same time, she said that these events in Artemovsk “once again confirmed the ruthlessness of the Ukrainian authorities towards the civilian population of Donbass” and proved the correctness of the Russian president’s decision to launch a special military operation.

Morozova stressed that criminal cases had been opened over the facts of the Kiev regime’s war crimes in Artemovsk. Russian law-enforcement agencies are conducting the investigation.

The DPR ombudswoman promised to officially inform international human rights organizations about the investigation, as they must provide a legal assessment of the actions of the Ukrainian militants.

“Kiev has grossly violated international legal standards of humane treatment in time of war established by the Geneva Conventions. We are talking about war crimes for which there should be accountability at the international level,” Morozova added.

She concluded by wishing that the international community fully realize its responsibility for “indulging Kyiv’s terrorists” and understand that “sooner or later a tribunal over Ukraine will be held.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency