25.03.2023, Moscow.
A new unification of Transcaucasia and Central Asia with Russia is possible when these republics will experience real pressure from the more powerful actors in the region, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in an interview with Vyacheslav Manucharov, published on March 13 on Manuchi’s Empathy program on YouTube channel.
The reunification of former southern republics of the Soviet Union with Russia is possible, said the analyst. In his opinion, if such a restoration of borders of the USSR in Transcaucasia and Central Asia takes place, it will not be through pressure from Moscow. “Not as our Central Asian brothers say: ‘as a result of our imperialism’,” but willingly, explained Kurginyan.
The Central Asian and Transcaucasian republics are yet witness a real pressure towards them from the powerful actors in the region. “There will be no freedom, no modernization, they will simply bring it all down to the most severe forms of Asian colonialism,” explained Kurginyan.
Each of the republics will have its own series of events. In the case of Armenia, we are talking about Iran’s and Turkey’s influence at the same time, added the analyst.
In private conversations, Iranian representatives made promises to occupy the entire Armenia “if only the Turks start moving in too much,” said the expert.
Armenia will ask to join Russia after the Turks again begin to massacre Armenians, explained the political scientist.
“It is enough for Iran to make one move for Turkmenistan to fall completely. Tajikistan too. And everywhere you look is China, which has gained great arrogance,” said Kurginyan. According to him, in China, Kazakhs are treated worse than ants.
The political scientist cited Belarus and its President Alexander Lukashenko as an example, who was also burning with the idea of his country joining Europe. Among all the former members of the USSR, Lukashenko most skillfully combined the Soviet experience with Westernization.
“In Belarus, Lukashenko built everything beautifully. And then what? He simply realized that the West will destroy everything just like this: ‘Snap.’ And that’s it,” concluded Kurginyan.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency