10.12.2019, Moscow.
None of the former Soviet republics have benefited from the collapse of the Soviet Union, said the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on December 8 on the air of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov TV Program on the channel Russia One channel.
The “enlightened population” in the cities of Tashkent, Baku, Yerevan and of the Baltic states was “swept away” in the collapse of the USSR. “What happened to cinematography in Georgia, now? It could exist only in an empire. What happened to theater in the Baltic States? What happened to literature in Moldova? Nothing’s there!“, stressed Kurginyan. The quality of life in the former USSR “immediately deteriorated” after the “mystery of the collapse,” added the leader of the Essence of Time.
“Russia is the historical, metaphysical, and geographical center of assembly for the former Soviet republics.” Therefore, Ukraine will also be drawn to this natural center of assembly – Russia. The only way to keep “natural Ukraine” from gravitating to its Russian center is to “pathologize” Ukraine itself.
Such “pathology” is destructive to the state of Ukraine. Pathology of the “Bandera Nazi-inspired Maidan” is only the first round of what is going to happen in Ukraine. The next stage in the life of Ukraine could be a “new round of disintegration” because the current Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky is a “fictional figure”, said Kurginyan.
Kurginyan called on the Ukrainian people and the political elite to return to “real statesmanly thinking and strategy.” The Ukrainian people may be faced with a “complete state collapse” if there is an imitation of the state policy, believes Kurginyan.
It should be noted that some experts believe that talks about independence from Russia were used by the political elites of many former Soviet republics in order to establish hardline nationalist dictatorial regimes.
Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian population in most former Soviet republics was subjected to repression and infringement of rights for belonging to the Russian culture.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency