The Immortal Regiment marches through the streets of Madrid

More than 500 people took part in the procession of the “Immortal Regiment” in the Spanish capital of Madrid on May 7, the correspondent of the Rossa Primavera News Agency reports.

According to the participants of the event, their number may even be more than 700 people.

The procession of the “Immortal Regiment” began in the heart of Madrid on la Lealtad Square near the Monument to the Heroes of the Second of May (Spanish: Monumento a los Héroes del Dos de Mayo)1 monument. Then the procession continued along the Alley del Prado past the famous Prado Art Gallery to Colón Square, where a festive concert took place.

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The US admits bombing mosque in Syria

Pentagon officials commented on the destruction of a building which was part of the mosque complex after the US Central Command investigation. The air strike happened on March 16, 2017. At least 38 people were killed. The United States categorically rejected both its involvement and the very fact of the bombing of a civilian object for several days, claiming that an attack targeted a building with al-Qaeda (organization banned in Russia – Editor) members hiding in it. At the same time, the videos showing the rescuers taking out numbers of the wounded and the dead civilians from the ruins of the mosque appeared in the social media.

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