Rostec plans to launch gunpowder production in India

04.07.2024, Moscow.

It is planned to launch the production of gunpowders for tank shells in India, the press service of Rostec State Corporation said on July 4.

Rostec had earlier launched production of armor-piercing Mango shells for firing from T-90 and T-72 tanks.

“To ensure the highest degree of localization of Mango shells production, it is planned to launch the production of powders in India in the future,” said Sergey Chemezov, CEO of the state corporation.

Chemezov emphasized that the state corporation has considerable experience of partnership with friendly states. Rostec’s projects may also include the exchange of competencies and technologies, which allows the importing country to develop its own production. For example, licensed production of T-90 tanks, as well as Mango shells, mentioned above, was implemented in India.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency