Kurginyan tells who in Georgia needs the Foreign Agent Law

20.06.2024, Moscow.

Part of the Georgian elite does not want Georgia to become involved in a war against Russia, and this is why it is ready to defend against the coming of radically anti-Russian forces, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 31 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

It is not enough if they [in Georgia] say how much they want to get to the West, that ‘everything is great,’ and ‘our best friends are in the West,’ that ‘we are integrating into the Western civilization.’ They have to fulfill what the West orders them. If it orders to fight they have to fight and to open a second front against Russia. And this is something that certain [Georgian] officials are not ready for,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

The political scientist reminded that when former president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili moved the Georgian troops against South Ossetia Russia responded in a way that it became clear that the Russian army could enter Tbilisi “as easy as one-two-three.”

Sergey Kurginyan stressed that Russia did not need that then, but it is obvious that “every time Georgia says ‘we are fighting Russia’ our response will be quite prompt.”

The analyst also noted that the situation in Ukraine is very acute, and it becomes increasingly acute every hour.

We do not need any second front now in the situation Russia has chosen, i.e. in a positional war with some (moderate) advantage on our side at the moment, with slow advancing, with the use of every effort while generally keeping all the parameters and the way of life that were determined by the previous thirty years, with certain moderate corrections. For all this, we do not need a second front,” Sergey Kurginyan stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency