Kurginyan tells about Russia’s strategy in its confrontation with the collective West

20.06.2024, Moscow.

Russia is waging a confrontation not with Ukraine but with the collective West, and it needs a fundamentally different strategy to win in this confrontation, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 30 in an interview to Editor-in-Chief of Abzats Media Elena Oya.

Russia is holding out in a conflict where the other side is not Ukraine but something bigger,” Kurginyan said.

He noted that he does not think that this strategy is definitely wrong, and he admitted that he would he happy if it allowed Russia to win in this confrontation.

I do not need anything but this victory. But I am absolutely positive that this is strategically impossible; it is desirable, it is normal, it is absolutely consistent with the vision of the current elite authorities and Putin himself, but in the end of this path there will be something clearly showing that you will live, but according to an absolutely different law, not the one that you dictated to yourself in view of your integration into the global civilization, in the Western one, i.e. in view of everything that was done throughout 30 years, and that everything that had been planned was rational and pragmatically justified, but still it was a severe strategic existential mistake, which will have to be corrected for Russia to live,” Kurginyan explained.

The analyst stressed that he would be really happy to be wrong if Russia, with its current policy where the society is separated from the war, wins in the special operation in Ukraine.

According to him, this policy is a compromise with the elites, which simply want to live their own kind of a life.

We can really see the signs of this compromise: more and more processes go along with this compromise, because the elite wants to live in a very special way. For it, all this glamourous kind of life oriented to the West is a precious value, and we cannot honestly say that Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin – Rossa Primavera News Agency) confronted this since his early days at power – indeed, this is not true. The operation of Gazprom and all the other fuel and energy structures has been based on the idea of our integration into the West to take certain place there,” the political scientist continued his thought.

He referred to the words of KGB chairman (1967-1982) Yuri Andropov that when Russia entered NATO and Europe it would become the greatest population there; that Russia would have its nuclear forces, and that our alliance with Germany would allow our country to use German industry and Russian raw materials; that Russia would in fact peacefully dominate there, which would be our greatest victory.

The devil is in the details. I know really major officials in the Soviet security services, who live a good life today, and who told me that if Putin fails to implement the great idea of Yuri Vladimirovich (Andropov – Rossa Primavera News Agency) they would all have to shoot themselves because they ruined the Soviet Union. Therefore, the situation is really tragic in this sense,” the leader of Essence of Time told.

What should Putin have said? That the following day we would have a mobilization economy and a new USSR? Firstly, who would ensure this?” Kurginyan asked his questions.

He expressed confidence that the glamourous Russian elite is incapable for this.

We can see these photos, cannot we? They cannot live without these photos, which definitely raise a severe reaction among the majority of our population, the photos of their wives, children, way of life, their absolute wallowing in luxury, their strong reluctance to give it up, plus certain positions,” the philosopher notes.

He admits that part of the Russian military elite is definitely professional, otherwise the Russian army would already have retreated from Smolensk and Kharkov.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency